Competition Results - Week ending 25/2/18
Another fun week of Competition at Lakeside this week with a good soak of rain at the end (186mm) which has greened up the course and got it looking nice!
Monday 19/2
1st Ricky Galang 26nett ocb
2nd Jean Robinson 26nett
3rd Owen Milne 28nett ocb
NTP Wayne Young , Les Green
Tuesday 20/2
1st Ricky Galang 33pts
2nd Nev Grantham 27pts
3rd Bev Goding 26pts
NTP - Christian Amadei, Russ Peachey, Ricky Galang, Christian Amadei, Christian Amadei
Wednesday 21/2
1st Cathie Green 17pts
2nd Jill Young 16pts
Thursday 22/2
1st Doug Riddell 21pts
2nd Ron Walboom 20pts ocb
3rd Russ Peachey 20pts ocb
NTP Jean Robinson, Bev Goding
Friday and Saturday - washed out
Well done to all of this weeks winners!! See you during the week